Recycle IT on Oireachtas TV

The Joint Committee

The Joint Committee on Environment and Climate Action meet in mid June 2024, to discuss the Circular Economy as it relates to Consumer Durables. Examples of consumer durable goods include vehicles, books, household goods (home electrical appliances, consumer electronics, furniture, musical instruments, tools, gardening tools, furniture, bicycles etc.), sports equipment, jewelry, medical equipment, toys and more.

The Group

Committee Cathaoirleach Deputy Brian Leddin (TD for Limerick City and the Green Party Spokesperson for Transport, Climate Action and Environment) said: “Consumer durables are goods designed to last a long time and are not intended to be bought very often. Development of a circular economy requires shifting Ireland towards a more sustainable pattern of production and consumption, particularly when it comes to consumer durables”.

Circular Economy

“The development of reuse, repair, recycling and sharing schemes, as well as circular design and business models, all have roles to play in reducing waste generated by consumer durables. As part of our examination of how the Circular Economy Act is working since it became law two years ago”, The Committee as part of it work will discuss these issues and related matters with stakeholder groups including social enterprises and organisation representing the community reuse and recycling.

The Community Resources Network (CRNI) saw this as great opportunity to present to this Oireachtas Joint Committee on the vital role social enterprises play in promoting the circular economy, especially in relation to consumer durables.

CRNI were joined on the day by two board members, Bernie Connolly (Cork Environmental Forum) and Una Lavelle (Recycle IT, Dublin). The Rediscovery Centre, the National Centre for the Circular Economy in Ireland and CRNI member were also invited to the committee session to present their findings.

Una Lavelle CRNI Director and General Manager – Recycle IT

To learn more about the main points covered please click here or to view the The Joint Committee on Environment and Climate Action session on Oireachtas TV please click here.

About Parliamentary Committees

Parliamentary committees play an important role in the business of the Oireachtas. They can receive submissions and hear evidence from interested parties or groups; discuss and draft proposals for legislative change; print and publish minutes of evidence and related documents; and require attendance of Ministers to discuss current policies and proposals for legislation.

There are four types of committees:

  • Standing committee
  • Joint committee
  • Select committee
  • Special committee (rare) 

About Recycle IT

Recycle IT is an award-winning, not-for-profit social enterprise established to create employment and promote environmental awareness through recycling and reuse. We work in partnership with WEEE Ireland and are authorized by your local authority to provide electrical, electronic and pure metal recycling collections across Dublin since 2007. Recycle IT are fully compliant for WEEE Recycling with permit details available here.

Recycle IT Logo

Electrical Recycling Updates!

Technology is now part of our everyday live. From home to offices, buses to boats, school and colleges, computers tablets, PCs severs, and related software are an indispensable part of our modern life. Add personal items like smart watches, mobile phones, virtual assistants, and robot vacuums and mowers and we are all are touched by helpful or essential tech.

The downside is the lifespan with some items breaking sooner than they should or people always wanting the latest and greatest meaning items become waste or e-waste which is a major concern for the planet we live on!

What is e-waste?

According to the European Union (EU), electronic and electrical waste, or e-waste, covers a variety of different products that are thrown away after use.

These include:

  • Large household appliances, such as washing machines and electric stoves
  • IT and telecommunications equipment (laptops, printers)
  • Consumer equipment (video cameras, fluorescent lamps) and photovoltaic panels
  • Small household appliances (vacuum cleaners, toasters)
  • Other categories, such as electrical tools and medical devices

The EU also say e-waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the Europe and less than 40% is recycled. You can view the facts and figures in the infographic below.

You can use the infographic to find out how many kilos of electronic equipment have been collected per inhabitant in Ireland and other EU countries.

Recycling practices vary among EU countries. In 2021, Austria topped the EU countries in electronic waste collection, with an average of 15.46 kilos per inhabitant. In 2021, 11 kilos of electrical and electronic equipment waste were collected per inhabitant in the EU on average.

Why recycle electronic and electrical waste?

Cast off electronic and electrical equipment contains potentially harmful materials that pollute the environment and increase the risks for people involved in recycling e-waste. To counter this problem, the EU has passed legislation to prevent the use of certain chemicals, like lead.

The EU say, many rare minerals that are needed in modern technology come from countries that do not respect human rights. To avoid inadvertently supporting armed conflict and human rights abuses, MEPs have adopted rules requiring European importers of rare earth minerals to carry out background checks on their suppliers.

USB Type-C

Changes for Us

The European Commission presented a new circular economy action plan in 2020 that has as one of its priorities the reduction of electronic and electrical waste. The proposal specifically outlined immediate goals like creating the right to repair and improving reusability in general, the introduction of a common charger and establishing a rewards system to encourage recycling electronics.

  • USB Type-C will become the common charger for most electronic devices in the EU by the end of 2024. Laptops will have to be equipped with a USB Type-C port by 28 April 2026.
  • The Commission presented a new proposal to promote repairing and reusing goods. Within the legal guarantee It would require sellers to repair products unless it is cheaper to replace them. Beyond the guarantee, it would provide rights to make repairs easier and cheaper.
  • The EU has adopted rules on the collection, treatment and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment to tackle the issue of the growing amount of electronic waste.
  • The Commission put forward a proposal for an update of the directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment to implement a ruling of the European Court of Justice concerning the scope of obligations of producers of photovoltaic panels (solar panels).

The EU council has now adopted these amendments into the EU law on waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Read more here.

Further updates will follow over the coming months. To reads more now please click here.

Repair and Reuse

Irish Statistics

The Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released 2022 statistics data related to the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) statistics for the whole of Ireland which documents household dual use B2C and commercial, professional B2B WEEE takeback.

The following key trends can be highlighted:

  1. 66,018 tonnes of WEEE were collected for treatment in Ireland in 2022, a decrease of 8% from the quantity collected in 2021.
  2. 61,806 tonnes of WEEE were recovered and 54,245 tonnes were prepared for reuse or recycling in 2022, a decrease of 8% and 9% respectively from the quantities in 2021.
  3. Large equipment (e.g. Cookers, washing machines) accounted for 53.2% (by weight) and small equipment (e.g. Kettles, toasters) represented the next largest category accounting for 19.9% of WEEE collected.
  4. Ireland met the EU recovery, recycling and reuse targets for all six categories of WEEE in 2022, they are temperature exchange equipment, screens, monitors, and equipment containing screens, lamp, large appliances, small appliances, and small IT.

The Irish national statistics show Ireland is in line with many European Member States but WEEE recycling volumes are not achieving 65% collection target.

About Recycle IT

Recycle IT is an award-winning, not-for-profit, social enterprise established to create employment and promote environmental awareness through recycling and reuse. We work in partnership with WEEE Ireland and are authorized by your local authority to provide electrical, electronic and pure metal recycling collections across Dublin since 2007. Recycle IT are fully compliant with WEEE collection regulations. Our permit details are available here.

Recycle IT – Community Recycling Initiative of the Year 2023

Ireland – Worrying E-Waste Disposal Trends

Small Portable Equipment

Today, one in eight people in Ireland continues to dump small electrical items in household bins. This new research by WEEE Ireland also suggests, the figure almost doubles among younger age groups, which are perceived as more environmentally conscious. 

Small Battery Operated Vape – Dumped

The research survey reveals one in four 18-24-year-olds and one in five aged 35-44 get rid of common household electrical items such as smart watches, earbuds and blue tooth speakers in general waste bins. 


The survey, conducted by Empathy Research on behalf of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Ireland go’s on to say, laptops, mobile phones, gaming devices, power tools and e-cigarettes are also being placed alongside other general waste bins, meaning these items can never be re-used or recycled. Simply, please don’t use the black or green bin to recycle electrical items and share this message with others in your home.

With many small personal devices now powered by small lithium batteries, there is an increased safety risk with fire as major concern for household waste collection companies receiving these items in bins.

Mixed Small Electrical Items

The low recycling rates for small electrics are echoed in global statistics, with the recent Global E-Waste Monitor revealing that less than one quarter (22.3%) of e-waste was properly recycled in 2022, falling sharply to just 12% for small devices. 


Ireland has experience and a really good record for safely recycling larger household electrics like washing machines, tumble dyers, cookers fridges and other electrical appliances but this needs to be matched when it comes to smaller electricals. This will ensure the safe and efficient recovery and reuse of important materials contained in small electrical equipment. 

By helping address these challenges you help reduce risks our environmental and public health and help support a greener, more sustainable future.”

Mixed Small Electrical Equipment

Anything with a plug, battery or cable can be recycled for free at hundreds of local authority recycling centres, public WEEE Ireland recycling collection day events and participating retailers. Find your nearest recycling point on our interactive map including at Recycle IT in Dublin 22.

To read more about the WEEE Ireland research please click here

About Recycle IT

Recycle IT is an award-winning social enterprise providing recycling collection and drop-off services for all types of waste electrical, electronic equipment (WEEE) and pure metal items.

Recycle IT services are provided in partnership with WEEE Ireland. Recycle IT is supported by the Department of Rural and Community Development, Dormant Accounts Fund, Pobal, South Dublin County Council and authorized by the National Waste Collection Permit Office and the local authorities across Leinster.

For further details about our free and cost-effective services call us on 01 4578321, email or visit the Recycle IT website at 

Recycle IT Van

Unauthorised Recycling Collections – Know more!

In the age of rapidly advancing technology, the importance of responsible electronic waste disposal cannot be overstated. Ireland, like many other countries, faces the challenge of managing electronic waste efficiently.

Household Equipment – Collected and Dumped – Its Common!

In this blog post, we will explore the pitfalls associated with using unauthorized electrical recycling collections in Ireland and shed light on the benefits of opting for authorized services. Additionally, we will delve into the positive impact authorised electrical recycling organizations have on training, employment, and their broader social and economic contributions. Below you with find some of the pitfalls of unauthorised electrical recycling Collections:

Environmental Hazards:

Unauthorised electrical recycling collections often lack the infrastructure to handle electronic waste responsibly. This can lead to environmental hazards, as hazardous materials from improperly disposed electronic devices may contaminate soil and water, posing a significant threat to ecosystems and public health.

Data Security Risks:

With the abundance of sensitive information stored on electronic devices, unauthorized collections present a significant risk to data security. Inadequate data destruction methods can leave personal and confidential information exposed, potentially leading to identity theft or other forms of data misuse.

Legal Implications:

Ireland has strict regulations governing electronic waste disposal. Engaging with unauthorized services may result in legal consequences, including fines and penalties. Authorized electrical recycling services adhere to these regulations, ensuring compliance and safeguarding individuals and businesses from legal repercussions.

Drop Off Safely – Its Free at Recycle IT

Lack of Accountability:

Unauthorized collections operate in a legal grey area, making it challenging to hold them accountable for their actions. This lack of accountability can result in irresponsible disposal practices, further exacerbating environmental and legal concerns.

There are huge benefits related to authorised electrical recycling collections some of which you will find listed below.

Environmental Responsibility:

Authorized electrical recycling services prioritize environmentally sustainable practices. They employ advanced technologies to safely dismantle and recycle electronic devices, reducing the environmental impact of electronic waste and contributing to a greener, healthier planet.

Data Security Assurance:

Authorized services implement robust data destruction measures to ensure the secure disposal of sensitive information. This commitment to data security offers peace of mind to individuals and businesses entrusting their electronic devices for recycling.

Training and Skill Development:

Authorized electrical recycling organizations contribute to the training and skill development of their employees. Workers receive specialized training in electronic waste management, fostering expertise in handling, dismantling, and recycling various types of electronic devices.

Recycle IT Collection Van

Employment Opportunities:

Authorized electrical recycling services create employment opportunities for individuals, contributing to economic growth. The demand for skilled workers in electronic waste management opens doors for those seeking employment in a field that addresses both environmental and technological concerns.

Social and Economic Impact:

Authorized organizations play a pivotal role in the community by promoting responsible waste management practices. They contribute to a circular economy, reducing the reliance on finite resources and creating a sustainable model for future generations.

WEEE Ireland – Recycle for Good

Please Remember

The choice between authorized and unauthorised electrical recycling collections in Ireland extends beyond immediate convenience. Authorised collection support environmental sustainability, data security, legal compliance, and accountability. Opting for authorized services not only ensures responsible electronic waste disposal but also contributes positively to training, employment, and the broader social and economic fabric of the community. As we navigate the complexities of our digital world, making informed choices in electronic waste management becomes increasingly crucial for a sustainable and thriving future.

You can learn more about Illegal Waste Collections here

About Recycle IT

Recycle IT is an award-winning, not-for-profit, social enterprise established to create employment and promote environmental awareness through recycling and reuse. We work in partnership with WEEE Ireland and are authorized by your local authority to provide electrical, electronic, and pure metal recycling collections across Dublin since 2007. Recycle IT are fully compliant with WEEE Recycling Requirements and permit details are available here.

Over the last 20 year Recycle IT have happily offered safe electrical and electronic recycling services to households and small and medium size organisations across a range of sectors. We offer our services all over Dublin and in surrounding areas

For more information about Recycle IT please click here.

Recycle IT Pakman Award Winner 2023

Circular Economy and My Social Enterprise Event – March 5th

Local Enterprise Week 2024 Event

The event is being hosted as part of Dublin’s involvement in the European Commission’s: European Social Economy Regions – Project & Network and Dublin’s support of the implementation of the Transition Pathway for Proximity and Social Economy. The objective of the ESER project is to build networks of Social Economy actors, encourage collaboration and to raise awareness about the social economy at regional and local level. 

The event will focus on embedding the Circular Economy, the practical steps, examples and resources available for enterprises and social enterprises. There will be networking, panel discussion, presentation, Q&A and a fireside chat so a varied evening.

Focus on the social economy and circular economy.

The event will:

  • Highlight the overarching context (Social and circular economy trends, policies, updates), feature examples from social enterprises, circular economy enterprises and regular enterprises that have adopted sustainability / circular economy practices.
  • Promote resources and supports that can help enterprises and social enterprises to learn about, embed, enhance sustainability and circular economy practices in their operations etc. as well as key social enterprise resources including the Dublin City Social Enterprise Awards 2024.

The event will take place in the Guinness Enterprise Centre, Taylor’s Ln, The Liberties, Dublin 8 on Tuesday March 5th 2024 between 6pm and 9am. To learn more and book please click here.


This event is taking place in partnership with CIRCULÉIRE as part of their focus on Circular Economy development in Local Enterprise week 2024.

The event is collaboratively hosted by Dublin City Council, LEO Dublin City, CIRCULÉIRE, Irish Manufacturing Research and the Dublin City Social Enterprise Committee with support from Guinness Enterprise Centre, EMWR Office, CRNI, Social Enterprise Dublin, Irish Social Enterprise Network, Dublin Place Brand, Dublin Regional Enterprise Plan to 2024 and MODOS.

For information on local social and circular enterprises that you, your organisation or company can buy from and support, please see the SoCircular Brochure 

About Recycle IT

Recycle IT is an award-winning, not-for-profit, social enterprise established to create employment and promote environmental awareness through recycling and reuse. We work in partnership with WEEE Ireland and are authorized by your local authority to provide electrical, electronic, and pure metal recycling collections across Dublin since 2007. Recycle IT are fully compliant with WEEE Recycling Requirements and permit details are available here.

Over the last 20 year Recycle IT have happily offered safe electrical and electronic recycling services to households and small and medium size organisations across a range of sectors. We offer our services all over Dublin and in surrounding areas

For more information about Recycle IT please click here.

Recycle IT Pakman Award Winner 2023